Rules & Regulations
- Classes commence at 9.15 am and come to a close at 5.10 pm.
- Students are expected to be inside the college premises ten minutes prior to the commencement of the class session.
- Students should come to the college with proper uniform.
- Leave can be availed only on unavoidable circumstances that too with prior sanction of the concerned authority.
- Strict discipline is to be adhered inside the college premises.
- Students must keep the campus neat and tidy.
- Students must abide by all rules and regulations stipulated by the management from time to time
- Visitors are not allowed to meet the students without the prior permission of the principal.
- Unit test and term tests are made obligatory on the students.
- Genuine problems can be represented to the principal in writing.
- Students are expected to take active participation in all in campus and off campus activities without fail.
- Use of cell phone is strictly prohibited.